We all want to look like a million bucks, but we certainly don't want to spend anywhere near that amount to do so. Why should you have to spend an arm and a leg just to moisturize one?
health and beauty
Introducing my Top 10 Cheap Beauty Tips, as requested by Ryan Hupfer. These tips enable you to have fabulous hair, become a quick-makeup magician, smell great and get rid of a pesky pimple, among other things. You can accomplish all this, and with a little extra money in your wallet. :)
I must thank my trusty self-beautifying bible, "Beauty, Things to Make and Do," a part of the "Crafty Girl" series by Jennifer Traig and Julianna Balmain. I recommend this book to anyone seeking to try new and creative beauty concoctions at home, created with items you can find in your refrigerator and around the house. Several of the recipes you'll find here were adapted from this book, including the bubble bath mix and the egg yolk conditioner.
health and beauty
Thank you once again, "Crafty Girl" series, for inspiring me! Simply buy essential oils in your favourite fragrances, and use alone or combined to create your own unique scents. Essential oils are naturally derived fruit and flower oils with a very potent scent. Only a few drops need be used, dilluted with water, at one time!
Each bottle only costs around $8 or $9 dollars, a very small price to pay in comparison to bottled perfumes. Plus, they come in yummy scents like vanilla, orange, lavender, rose, peppermint, and almond. You can easily find them at local health food stores.
To make your own perfume, you'll need:
* Spray bottle
* 1 cup of water
* 5 to 7 drops of your favourite essential oil(s)
health and beauty
Pour the water and essential oils into the spray bottle and shake well. Secure cap and spray away! You can spray your face, your hair, your clothes; even use it as an air freshner if you want!
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